Five key points about my work

  1. As a journalist, I work from a neutral position, independent of political and economic interests.

  2. I tell the story in simple terms as I believe good journalism should be for everyone.

  3. My main thing is analytical and research-heavy journalism.

  4. Occasionally, I take photos as well.

  5. I also produce explainer videos for organisations and companies. Naturally, I keep a wall of separation between that and my journalism.

Current and former clients and projects

Journalism – reporting

  • Journalisten (DK)

  • Weekendavisen (DK)

  • Prosabladet (DK)

  • Science Illustrated (International)

  • The Economist (International)

  • P – Psykologernes Fagmagasin (DK)

  • Forbrugerrådet Tænk (DK)

  • Forbrugerrådet Tænk Penge (DK)

  • Markedsføring (DK)

  • Ugebrevet A4 (DK)

  • Folkeskolen (DK)

  • Politiken (DK)

  • Samvirke (DK)

  • KOM magasinet (DK)

  • Faktalink (DK)

  • MetroXpress (DK)

  • 24timer (DK)

  • Information (DK)

  • Ingeniøren (DK)

  • Magisterbladet (DK)

  • Djøfbladet (DK)

  • Motor-magasinet (DK)

  • (DK)

  • Frederiksborg Amts Avis (DK)

  • Gymnasieskolen (DK)

Journalism – teaching

  • Tutor / Investigative Journalism, The Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX), since October 2021

Journalism – editing

  • News and opinion editor at Journalisten (DK), December 2017-May 2018 (stand-in for an editor having a paternity leave)

Concept development / project leadership

  • Koncentrat (DK), 2015-2017


My explainer company, Explain Agency, has produced videos, text, illustrations, and print material for:

  • The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA

  • The Danish Consumer Council

  • BL - Danmarks Almene Boliger (DK)

  • Byggeskadefonden (DK)

  • Industrimuseet (DK)

  • Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund (DK)

  • Randers Kommune (DK)

  • Vejen Kommune (DK)

  • Vidensråd for Forebyggelse (DK)

  • PROSA (DK)

  • Aalborg Lærerforening (DK)

  • Skovgaard Energy (DK)

  • Min Arena (DK)

  • BoatControl (DK)

  • RoC Consult (DK)

Content marketing

  • BDO Corporate Finance (International), 2013-2014


  • Cand.comm. / Journalism and International Development Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2012. With a one year paid internship at MetroXpress, Denmark, 2010-2011.

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